For those of you reading this that were previously unaware - Mental Performance Gym is a figurative gym. The reason I decided to name it this wasn't to confuse anyone (although it probably has), but to break any stigma of mental training.
If you've ever been to a public gym there are all different types of people in there. You can tell it's some people's first time working out, for others (meatheads I'm talking to you) they should probably lay off the 3rd protein shake of the day. The point is a gym is for all people both strong and weak.
If you have ever previously been in good physical shape before, you know that it doesn't take much to lose it. When I was in Denver a few years ago I played pickup basketball the first week I was out there. As a former all state player I am used to running around and actually being good at the sport. But this day I was rudely awoken to the fact I was no longer in tip top shape anymore (the altitude didn't help either). When your lungs feel like they are literally on fire, that's a sign you're probably washed up like I am. I tell you this story to make it evident it is easy to lose strength, endurance, flexibility, etc if we don't continue to work on it.
Our mind is no different. Mental training is both for the strong and for the people just starting out. It also needs to be continuously maintained and cultivated or else like our muscles they atrophy. Just like there are no shortcuts to being in good physical shape, the same applies to being mentally fit. It takes discipline, repetitions, "soreness", and rest.
So whether you think you are mentally strong or have never done any mental training before, MPG will work with you and help you on your journey of mental fitness.